Our robot name is Mathbotix.Mathbotix is a name that combines "mathematics" and "botix," suggesting a robot that is specialized in performing mathematical operations or solving mathematical problems.Our team is from Serbia we are a group of 17 year olds and we like making robots.Mathematical Reality Manipulation allows the user to alter reality using mathematical formulas or equations.
Name of the shape
Number of same shape
Dimensions of shape
Our story
Our robot name is Mathbotix.Mathbotix is a name that combines "mathematics" and "botix," suggesting a robot that is specialized in performing mathematical operations or solving mathematical problems.Our team is from Serbia we are a group of 17 year olds and we like making robots.Mathematical Reality Manipulation allows the user to alter reality using mathematical formulas or equations.
Math in core of our robot
Da bi nas robot imao super moci (Mathematical Reality Manipulation) on mora izuciti sledece naucne discipline:
1.Matematika (to bi bila kljucna disciplina za razvoj ove moci)
2.Fizika (pomocu nje robot bi razumeo prirodu i materije, da bi mogao njima manipulisati)
3.Kvantna Fizika
4. Filozofija